Non-Bank Lenders in New Zealand

Have you ever wondered about the role of non-bank lenders in the New Zealand lending market? Often overlooked in favour of traditional banks, non-bank lenders are an excellent alternative worth exploring. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of non-bank lending institutions, dispelling common misconceptions and shedding light on their vital role in New Zealand’s home loan market.
Simplified Financial Planning for Achieving Financial Freedom

Financial Planning combines a personalised financial plan, carefully engineered by a Financial Advisor, to illustrate the path towards earlier financial freedom. Our Financial Cashflow Modelling software maps your journey, spanning your life decisions all the way to age 100. Our plan will consider your wellbeing, ideal lifestyle, home life, family, business, work and long-term aspirations. This will give you the confidence needed to understand your financial situation and make the best decisions for tomorrow. Read on to see how we’ll help you obtain financial freedom and peace of mind earlier.